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NOVISauto Laderaumabdeckung LOPRO - Plane zum Rollen - TXF14-6,6

Verhindert Luftverwirbelungen am Laderaum und hilft, ca. 10-15 % Kraftstoff zu sparen.
Unsere Empfehlung
Mit diesem Produkt in dieser Kategorie sind Sie nie auf der falschen Seite. Es ist bestimmt auch für Sie bestens geeignet!
Flaches Design
Dieses Produkt hat ein flaches Design und gibt so das "Pickup Gefühl" wieder, ohne auf eine Abdeckung und den damit verbundenen Schutz zu verzichten

Product information "NOVISauto Laderaumabdeckung LOPRO - Plane zum Rollen - TXF14-6,6"

Suchen Sie nach einer passgenauen und gut durchdachten Laderaumabdeckung? Diese soll nicht nur funktional sein, sondern auch praktisch Erfolg haben? Wir von NOVISauto helfen Ihnen gerne weiter!

Erweitern Sie Ihren 6 Fuß 7 Zoll // 2007 mm Pickup Truck Ford F150 2014-2020,Ford F150 2021+ mit einer hochwertigen NOVISauto Laderaumabdeckung von Truxedo. Profitieren Sie von unserer starken NOVISauto Laderaumabdeckung Modell Lopro von Truxedo für Ihren Ford F150 6 Fuß 7 Zoll // 2007 mm Baujahr ab 2014+. Unsere Laderaumabdeckung für Ihren Ford F150 6 Fuß 7 Zoll ab Baujahr 2014 passt sich nahtlos Ihrem Fahrzeug an. Kombinieren Sie hochwertiges Design mit bestem Schutz für Ihren Laderaum, ohne auf den klassischen, geliebten Stil eines Pickups verzichten zu müssen! Bester Schutz vor Regen und Schmutz - das ist einer der Vorteile unserer Laderaumabdeckung.

Um Ihnen die Montage zu ermöglichen wird Ihnen immer ein Montagekit und eine Einbauanleitung geschickt. Zusätzlich können Sie sich unsere Montagevideos auf Youtube anschauen. Bei Fragen können Sie uns jederzeit kontaktieren. Lassen Sie sich Ihre Laderaumabdeckung von unseren technisch versierten, fachlich kompetenten und praktisch erfahrenen Mitarbeitern bei Bedarf montieren! Profitieren Sie von unserer starken Truxedo Laderaumabdeckung Modell Lopro für Ihren F150 6 Fuß 7 Zoll // 2007 mm Baujahr ab 2014+.

Die Vorteile der Laderaumabdeckung auf einen Blick:

  • für Ford F150 6 Fuß 7 Zoll // 2007 mm Baujahr ab 2014+
  • NOVISauto Laderaumabdeckung hergestellt von TRUXEDO
  • Material: Vinyl (schwarz - Ledernarbung in Industriequalität)
  • Bedienung: manuell
  • besonderes Merkmal: Flachabdeckung auf Höhe der Ladefläche und mit Klettverschluss
  • geöffnet fahrbar
  • besonders UV-beständig
  • auf ca. Innenkantenlinie, flach
  • Montageart: Klemmen
  • nur von innen entriegelbar
  • Oberflächenbeschaffenheit: Vinyl: mattschimmernd
  • Rahmen: Seitenschienen
  • Spannungskontrolle: automatisch
  • ungefähre Montagezeit: 30 min
  • Verriegelung & Verschluss: Klettverschluss

Unsere Empfehlung für Ihren Ford F150 6 Fuß 7 Zoll

Unsere erstklassige NOVISauto Laderaumabdeckung Lopro von Truxedo für Ihren Ford F150 ab 2014+ 6 Fuß 7 Zoll // 2007 mm ist für jeden Einsatzzweck geeignet! Es ist ein ideales Tonneau für , zum Schutz und Transport von alltäglichen Gütern.

Nutzen Sie die Abdeckung für Freizeit und Gewerbe! Wir empfehlen ein festes Tonneau oder ein Rollo - Typ Jalousie für den primär gewerblichen Einsatz.

Wir empfehlen Ihnen, sich unsere Vergleichstabellen für Laderaumabdeckungen anzuschauen:

Bester Service aus einer Hand - vor dem Kauf, als auch nach dem Kauf

Nutzen Sie unseren erstklassigen Service! Unsicherheiten oder Fragen? Per Mail oder Telefon können Sie uns jederzeit erreichen! Wir beraten Sie gerne ausführlich und kundenorientiert. Wir arbeiten täglich im Büro UND Lager. Wir haben einen weitreichenden Erfahrungsschatz über 16 Jahre an praktischer Leistung. Freuen Sie sich auf technisch versierte, fachlich kompetente und praktisch erfahrene Mitarbeiter. Wir bieten als einziger in unserer Branche einen Ersatzteilservice mehrere Jahre nach Produktkauf an! Somit ist Ihr Ford F150 6 Fuß 7 Zoll Baujahr ab 2014+ mit der Laderaumabdeckung Modell Lopro bestens ausgestattet. Schonen Sie Ihre Umwelt durch eine lebenslange Nutzung unserer Produkte! Laderaumabdeckungen von NOVISauto!

Ihnen ist Nachhaltigkeit und langfristige Nutzung des Produktes wichtig? Kein Problem! Hochwertige Materialien, Teile und Rohstoffe ermöglichen eine lange Lebens- und Nutzungsdauer unserer Abdeckungen. Genau diese lebenslange Nutzung ermöglicht ein Sparen von wertvollen Ressourcen - Nachhaltigkeit durch Nutzungsdauer!

Eine starke F150 Laderaumabdeckung Modell Lopro - 6 Fuß 7 Zoll // 2007 mm von NOVISauto

Die Laderaumabdeckung TX-598301 für Ihren Ford F150 wird manuell geöffnet und geschlossen. Das NOVISauto Lopro für den Ford F150 ist geöffnet fahrbar. Dies ermöglicht das Beladen von großen Waren, ohne die Abdeckung abmontieren zu müssen! Die Laderaumabdeckung ist mit Klettverschluss zu befestigen. Ihr F150 wird damit sicher vor Langfingern und Stiehlaugen geschützt. Durch die integrierte Verriegelung ist die F150 Laderaumabdeckung gut geschützt. Die Abdeckung für Ihren Ford F150 ist auch von außen entriegelbar.

Die Laderaumabdeckung ist auf ca. Innenkantenlinie, flach. Durch ein flaches Design ist die Abdeckung Lopro für Ihren Ford F150 6 Fuß 7 Zoll // 2007 mm besonders unauffällig. Der Gesamteindruck Ihres Pickups wird nicht gestört und erhöht sogar den stilistischen Wert. Kombinieren Sie das klassische Aussehen eines Pickups und verzichten Sie nicht auf die Vorteile von Laderaumabdeckungen! Eine Montage mit Klemmen ermöglicht eine bessere Standfestigkeit der Laderaumabdeckung. Durch Klemmen sitzt die Laderaumabdeckung besonders sicher an.

Die Schale unserer Lopro Laderaumabdeckung für Ihren Ford F150 6 Fuß 7 Zoll // 2007 mm Baujahr ab 2014+ besteht aus dem Material Vinyl. Vinyl zeichnet sich durch Langlebigkeit, (UV-)Beständigkeit und einfache Handhabung aus. Zusätzlich hat Vinyl ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und ist eine günstige(-re) Option für Ihren F150. Es eignet sich gut für einfache, tägliche Nutzung im Privaten. Die ungefähre Montagezeit beträgt 30 min auf Ihren Ford F150.

Statten Sie Ihren Ford F150 6 Fuß 7 Zoll // 2007 mm mit einer besonderen, UV-beständigen Laderaumabdeckung TRUXEDO Lopro aus. Dadurch erhöht sich die Lebensdauer der Abdeckung - sie ist geschützt vor Sonne und Verbleichung. Die Spannungskontrolle der Laderaumabdeckung erfolgt automatisch. Sie müssen sich keine Sorgen um eine gespannte Abdeckung machen. Unsere Laderaumabdeckung ist nur von innen entriegelbar.

Flachabdeckung auf Höhe der Ladefläche und mit Klettverschluss: Das sind die besonderen Merkmale der Laderaumabdeckung.

Properties "NOVISauto Laderaumabdeckung LOPRO - Plane zum Rollen - TXF14-6,6"
Construction year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Make/Model: Ford F150
ⓘ Cross arches/slats: automatic rewinding
ⓘ Frame: side rails
ⓘ Height above edge of cargo area: flat, on approx. inside edge line
ⓘ Latch and lock: Velcro fastener
ⓘ Materials: Vinyl: black - leather texture in industry quality
ⓘ Surface finish: Vinyl: mattschimmernd
ⓘ Tension control: automatic
ⓘ approximate assembly time: 30 min
ⓘ can only be unlocked from the inside: yes
ⓘ control: manual
ⓘ installation type: clamps
ⓘ keep open while driving: yes
ⓘ particularly UV-resistant: yes
ⓘ special feature: Flat cover at the height of the loading area, mit Klettverschluss
type of coverage: Tarpaulin to roll up
Delivery Time: 3-4 weeks

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Pedersholmparken 10
3600 Frederikssund
Verantwortliche Person:
Novisauto Talring 118
47802 Krefeld

    Do you have any questions or need further information? Then please give us a call.

    Expert advice by phone +49 (0) 2151-393593 or by e-mail:

    Verhindert Luftverwirbelungen am Laderaum und hilft, ca. 10-15 % Kraftstoff zu sparen.
    Unsere Empfehlung
    Mit diesem Produkt in dieser Kategorie sind Sie nie auf der falschen Seite. Es ist bestimmt auch für Sie bestens geeignet!
    Flaches Design
    Dieses Produkt hat ein flaches Design und gibt so das "Pickup Gefühl" wieder, ohne auf eine Abdeckung und den damit verbundenen Schutz zu verzichten
    Compare product

    875,00 €*

    850,01 €*

    850,01 €*

    789,01 €*

    575,00 €*

    970,00 €*

    1.605,00 €*

    1.605,00 €*

    1.900,00 €*

    Construction year
    2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023; 2024
    2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020
    2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021
    2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021
    2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023; 2024
    2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020
    2014; 2015; 2016; 2017; 2018; 2019; 2020
    Ford F150
    Ford F150
    Ford F150
    Ford F150
    Ford F150
    Ford F150
    Ford F150
    Ford F150
    Ford F150
    ⓘ Height above edge of cargo area
    flat; on approx. inside edge line
    flat; mounted on inner edge
    ⓘ Latch and lock
    Velcro fastener
    2-handle release from inside
    2-handle release from inside
    Pushbuttons can be operated from the outside; buttons
    Unlocking possible from front and rear; Velcro fastener
    Snap lock with pull tab
    Snap lock with pull tab
    ⓘ Materials
    Vinyl: black - leather texture in industry quality
    Vinyl: black - leather texture in industry quality
    Vinyl: black - leather texture in industry quality
    Vinyl: black - leather texture
    Vinyl: black - leather texture
    Aluminium: shell
    Aluminium: shell
    ABS: composite material
    ⓘ Tension control
    ⓘ approximate assembly time
    30 min
    5 min
    5 min
    30-45 min
    40 min
    45-60 min
    45-60 min
    30-45 min
    ⓘ can only be unlocked from the inside
    ⓘ control
    ⓘ installation type
    clamps; no drilling
    clamps; no drilling
    clamps; no drilling
    clamps; no drilling
    fastening rails and clamps
    fastening rails and clamps
    fastening rails and clamps
    ⓘ keep open while driving
    ⓘ special feature
    Flat cover at the height of the loading area; mit Klettverschluss
    extremly short assembly time; foldable; versatile use
    extremly short assembly time; foldable; versatile use
    Corners can be opened from all sides
    Hybrid system for rolling up or folding up on the cabin
    versatile use
    versatile use
    lightweight; robust
    type of coverage
    Tarpaulin to roll up
    Foldable tarpaulin
    Foldable tarpaulin
    Fold up tarpaulin
    Tarpaulin to roll up
    Foldable tarpaulin; Tarpaulin to roll up
    Fixed cover for folding
    Fixed cover for folding
    Lid without bracket // Fixed to fold up
    ⓘ Loading area fully accessible
    ⓘ particularly suitable for
    caravan cabin
    caravan cabin
    occasional use
    Access behind cabin
    Simple application
    Simple application
    daily use; leisure
    Length of truck bed
    5ft 7in // 1702mm
    ⓘ Carrying capacity
    180 kg
    180 kg
    ⓘ lockable

    Alternative: Hardtops

    NOVISauto basic hardtop ARF14-V
    Ford F150 2014-2020
    NOVISauto US Hardtop Series V for Ford F150 2014-2020 The NOVISAuto Hardtop Series V for the new Ford F150 offers excellent workmanship.  A large number of individual options allow individual adaptation according to your special wishes. Regardless of whether you are traveling for work or for leisure - with a Series V hardtop we offer a stylish and functional hardtop for your Ford F150 and other US pickups. With the Hardtop Series V for the Ford F150, NOVISAuto offers one of the nicest ways to transport bulky loads and large pieces of luggage protected from the weather and unauthorized access. The side windows are designed as sliding windows in a black aluminum frame, the rear glass door is also a window with a black aluminum frame that can be locked with a T-handle, and the front window allows a clear view to the rear. From the inside, the Series V hardtop is equipped with a smoothly ground GRP structure. The NOVISAuto Hardtop Series V can be easily and conveniently installed on the vehicle using the clamping system. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Installation is also possible with us as an option. Paintwork:  In body color, optionally with off-road protective coating in matt black Side windows: O ur standard design are pane windows in aluminum frames, black, which you can alternatively order in the variant with protective caps. An additional dog guard is also available. Other options include side flaps made of aluminum or all-glass flaps with lift dampers or with a sliding window function. Front window:  Instead of the standard built-in, fixed windscreen, the version as a front folding window is available, both with and without a sliding function. The ability to fold down the entire window has practical advantages, for example when cleaning. Rear door : The rear door is designed as a glass door in a black aluminum frame and can be locked with a T-handle. Inner space:  The interior is provided with a smoothly ground GRP structure. Optionally, there is the possibility of choosing the lining with anthracite-colored synthetic fleece. Interior lighting:  Here you have the choice between a 12V LED interior light with automatic switch and wiring harness, other options are an additional light bar mounted in the middle or two light bars mounted on the right and left.  
    Product number: ARGS20-V.1
    4.750,00 €*

    Available in days
    Delivery from April
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    NOVISauto basic hardtop ARF14-V
    Ford F150 2014-2020
    NOVISauto US Hardtop Series V for Ford F150 2014-2020 The NOVISAuto Hardtop Series V for the new Ford F150 offers excellent workmanship.  A large number of individual options allow individual adaptation according to your special wishes. Regardless of whether you are traveling for work or for leisure - with a Series V hardtop we offer a stylish and functional hardtop for your Ford F150 and other US pickups. With the Hardtop Series V for the Ford F150, NOVISAuto offers one of the nicest ways to transport bulky loads and large pieces of luggage protected from the weather and unauthorized access. The side windows are designed as sliding windows in a black aluminum frame, the rear glass door is also a window with a black aluminum frame that can be locked with a T-handle, and the front window allows a clear view to the rear. From the inside, the Series V hardtop is equipped with a smoothly ground GRP structure. The NOVISAuto Hardtop Series V can be easily and conveniently installed on the vehicle using the clamping system. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Installation is also possible with us as an option. Paintwork:  In body color, optionally with off-road protective coating in matt black Side windows: O ur standard design are pane windows in aluminum frames, black, which you can alternatively order in the variant with protective caps. An additional dog guard is also available. Other options include side flaps made of aluminum or all-glass flaps with lift dampers or with a sliding window function. Front window:  Instead of the standard built-in, fixed windscreen, the version as a front folding window is available, both with and without a sliding function. The ability to fold down the entire window has practical advantages, for example when cleaning. Rear door : The rear door is designed as a glass door in a black aluminum frame and can be locked with a T-handle. Inner space:  The interior is provided with a smoothly ground GRP structure. Optionally, there is the possibility of choosing the lining with anthracite-colored synthetic fleece. Interior lighting:  Here you have the choice between a 12V LED interior light with automatic switch and wiring harness, other options are an additional light bar mounted in the middle or two light bars mounted on the right and left.  
    Product number: ARF14-V
    4.750,00 €*

    Available in days
    Delivery from April
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    NOVISauto basic hardtop ARF21-V
    Ford F150 2021+
    NOVISauto US Hardtop Series V for Ford F150 2021+ The NOVISAuto Hardtop Series V for the new Ford F150 2021+ offers excellent workmanship.  A large number of individual options allow individual adaptation according to your special wishes. Whether you're traveling for work or leisure, we offer a hardtop Series V that's as stylish as it is functional for your all-new 2021+ Ford F150 and other US pickups. With the Hardtop Series V for the Ford F150, NOVISAuto offers one of the nicest ways to transport bulky loads and large pieces of luggage protected from the weather and unauthorized access. The side windows are designed as sliding windows in a black aluminum frame, the rear glass door is also a window with a black aluminum frame that can be locked with a T-handle, and the front window allows a clear view to the rear. From the inside, the Series V hardtop is equipped with a smoothly ground GRP structure. The NOVISAuto Hardtop Series V can be easily and conveniently installed on the vehicle using the clamping system. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Installation is also possible with us as an option. Paintwork:  In body color, optionally with off-road protective coating in matt black Side windows: O ur standard design are pane windows in aluminum frames, black, which you can alternatively order in the variant with protective caps. An additional dog guard is also available. Other options include side flaps made of aluminum or all-glass flaps with lift dampers or with a sliding window function. Front window:  Instead of the standard built-in, fixed windscreen, the version as a front folding window is available, both with and without a sliding function. The ability to fold down the entire window has practical advantages, for example when cleaning. Rear door : The rear door is designed as a glass door in a black aluminum frame and can be locked with a T-handle. Inner space:  The interior is provided with a smoothly ground GRP structure. Optionally, there is the possibility of choosing the lining with anthracite-colored synthetic fleece. Interior lighting:  Here you have the choice between a 12V LED interior light with automatic switch and wiring harness, other options are an additional light bar mounted in the middle or two light bars mounted on the right and left.  
    Product number: ARF21-V
    4.750,00 €*

    Available in days
    Delivery from April
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    NOVISauto hardtop with hinged window ARF14-Z
    Ford F150 2015-2020
    NOVISauto US hardtop series  Z for  Ford F150 2014-2020 NOVISauto offers with the US hardtop of the series  Z diverse options for the Ford F150 to meet your individual needs. It doesn't matter whether you are traveling for work or for leisure - with a standard hardtop  Z we offer a hardtop for your Ford F150 and other US pickups that combines style and function in the most beautiful way. The NOVISAuto hardtop series  Z for the Ford F150 2014-2020 offers excellent build quality and visual highlights. This is supported by the generous frameless windows, the likewise frameless glass rear door with a US-patented handle and the front window for a clear view to the rear. From the inside, the hardtop is standard  Z fully lined with dark gray textile material. A variety of individual options allows the design according to your special wishes. The installation of the NOVISauto hardtop series Z/Z2 on the F150 pickup is easy and convenient using the clamping system on the vehicle. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Installation is also possible with us as an option. Paintwork:  In body color, optionally with off-road protective coating in matt black Side window, tinted:  Frameless all-glass is our standard design, alternatively: sliding window with aluminum frame and protective caps, for which you can also order a dog guard Front window:  The frameless front sliding window is installed as standard. The top-hung window version is also available, both with and without a sliding function. Tailgate, tinted : Frameless with contour strip - for your greater convenience, you can connect the tailgate to the vehicle's central locking system and lock the hardtop with a push of your vehicle keys. Inner space:  Sky with dark gray textile material Interior lighting:  In addition to the standard built-in 12V LED interior light, you can opt for a 12V LED interior light with an automatic switch. Other options include an additional light bar mounted in the middle or two light bars mounted on the right and left.
    Product number: ARF14-Z
    7.375,00 €*

    Available in days
    Delivery from April
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    NOVISauto hardtop with hinged window ARF21-Z
    Ford F150 2021+
    NOVISauto US hardtop series  Z for  Ford F150 2021+ NOVISauto offers with the US hardtop of the series  Z diverse options for the Ford F150 to meet your individual needs. It doesn't matter whether you are traveling for work or for leisure - with a standard hardtop  Z we offer a hardtop for your Ford F150 and other US pickups that combines style and function in the most beautiful way. The NOVISAuto hardtop series  Z for the Ford F150 2021+ offers excellent workmanship and visual highlights. This is supported by the generous frameless windows, the likewise frameless glass rear door with a US-patented handle and the front window for a clear view to the rear. From the inside, the hardtop is standard  Z fully lined with dark gray textile material. A variety of individual options allows the design according to your special wishes. The installation of the NOVISauto hardtop series Z/Z2 on the F150 pickup is easy and convenient using the clamping system on the vehicle. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Installation is also possible with us as an option. Paintwork:  In body color, optionally with off-road protective coating in matt black Side window, tinted:  Frameless all-glass is our standard design, alternatively: sliding window with aluminum frame and protective caps, for which you can also order a dog guard Front window:  The frameless front sliding window is installed as standard. The top-hung window version is also available, both with and without a sliding function. Tailgate, tinted : Frameless with contour strip - for your greater convenience, you can connect the tailgate to the vehicle's central locking system and lock the hardtop with a push of your vehicle keys. Inner space:  Sky with dark gray textile material Interior lighting:  In addition to the standard built-in 12V LED interior light, you can opt for a 12V LED interior light with an automatic switch. Other options include an additional light bar mounted in the middle or two light bars mounted on the right and left.
    Product number: ARF21-Z
    7.375,00 €*

    Available in days
    Delivery from April
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    NOVISauto hardtop with sliding window ARF14 Evolve
    Ford F150 2015-2020
    NOVISauto US hardtop series CX Evolve for  Ford F150 2014-2020 NOVISauto  hardtop  Model CX EVOLVE . Classic function meets modern design.  That  NOVISauto Hardtop CX Evolve  for the  FORD F150 2014-2020 offers excellent build quality and visual highlights, a hardtop that is as stylish as it is functional for your FORD F150 and other US pickups. The stylistic feature is the frameless glass rear door, the shape of which is perfectly matched to your FORD F150. With the CX Evolve for the FORD F150, NOVISauto offers one of the best ways to transport bulky loads and large pieces of luggage protected from the weather and unauthorized access. The tinted side windows are designed as half-sliding windows in a black aluminum frame, the tailgate, also tinted, is frameless and made entirely of molded glass that is perfectly matched to your vehicle. The screen connects seamlessly to the tailgate of the F150 without a contour strip or plastic end cap. The tailgate is equipped with gas pressure dampers, it is closed with an innovative handle that is easy to operate with one hand and can be connected to the vehicle's central locking system. The windscreen allows a clear view to the rear. The inside of the CX Evolve hardtop is lined with anthracite-colored synthetic fleece, which is particularly hard-wearing and easy to clean. In the standard configuration, the CX Evolve hardtop has a 12V LED interior light with a hidden magnet - automatic switch. The NOVISauto Hardtop CX Evolve can be easily and conveniently installed on the vehicle using the clamping system. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Installation is also possible with us as an option. Material:  The hardtop shell is made of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) - making it particularly robust and resilient. Paintwork:  In body color, optionally with off-road protective coating in matt black Sidewindow:  Side sliding windows  are in the black aluminum frame  our standard version, for which you can also order a dog guard. As a further option, you have the choice between side glass flaps with lift dampers, which can also be supplied with a sliding window function, and side flaps made of aluminium. Front window:  A fixed windscreen is installed in the standard version. The version as a front sliding window or as a front folding window is available with or without a sliding function  also available. rear door:  The tailgate is frameless, made of all-glass and shaped exactly to match your vehicle  THE  Highlight of the CX Evolve, of course equipped with gas pressure dampers. In addition, the tailgate is no longer visually disturbed by screw connections and bolts - the pane is designed in the SUV style. The hinges of the tailgate are hidden inside and consist of a 6mm thick, extremely stable sheet metal. For your greater convenience, you can connect the tailgate to the vehicle's central locking system and lock the hard top with a push of your vehicle keys. Inner space:  heaven  made of anthracite-colored needle felt, robust and easy-care Interior lighting:  In addition to the standard built-in 12V LED interior light with automatic switch and wiring harness, a centrally mounted light bar or two light bars mounted on the right and left can also be installed. Uncomplicated assembly  without drilling using special clamps mounting material and instructions  included 
    Product number: ARF14-CXEvolve
    6.065,00 €*

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    Delivery from April
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    Only 1 available
    NOVISauto hardtop with sliding window ARF21 Evolve
    Ford F150 2021+
    NOVISauto US hardtop series CX Evolve for  Ford F150 2021+ NOVISauto  hardtop  Model CX EVOLVE . Classic function meets modern design.  That  NOVISauto Hardtop CX Evolve  for the  FORD F150 2021+ offers excellent workmanship and visual highlights, a stylish and functional hardtop for your FORD F150 and other US pickups. The stylistic feature is the frameless glass rear door, the shape of which is perfectly matched to your FORD F150. With the CX Evolve for the FORD F150, NOVISauto offers one of the best ways to transport bulky loads and large pieces of luggage protected from the weather and unauthorized access. The tinted side windows are designed as half-sliding windows in a black aluminum frame, the tailgate, also tinted, is frameless and made entirely of molded glass that is perfectly matched to your vehicle. The screen connects seamlessly to the tailgate of the F150 without a contour strip or plastic end cap. The tailgate is equipped with gas pressure dampers, it is closed with an innovative handle that is easy to operate with one hand and can be connected to the vehicle's central locking system. The windscreen allows a clear view to the rear. The inside of the CX Evolve hardtop is lined with anthracite-colored synthetic fleece, which is particularly hard-wearing and easy to clean. In the standard configuration, the CX Evolve hardtop has a 12V LED interior light with a hidden magnet - automatic switch. The NOVISauto Hardtop CX Evolve can be easily and conveniently installed on the vehicle using the clamping system. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Installation is also possible with us as an option. Material:  The hardtop shell is made of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) - making it particularly robust and resilient. Paintwork:  In body color, optionally with off-road protective coating in matt black Sidewindow:  Side sliding windows  are in the black aluminum frame  our standard version, for which you can also order a dog guard. As a further option, you have the choice between side glass flaps with lift dampers, which can also be supplied with a sliding window function, and side flaps made of aluminium. Front window:  A fixed windscreen is installed in the standard version. The version as a front sliding window or as a front folding window is available with or without a sliding function  also available. rear door:  The tailgate is frameless, made of all-glass and shaped exactly to match your vehicle  THE  Highlight of the CX Evolve, of course equipped with gas pressure dampers. In addition, the tailgate is no longer visually disturbed by screw connections and bolts - the pane is designed in the SUV style. The hinges of the tailgate are hidden inside and consist of a 6mm thick, extremely stable sheet metal. For your greater convenience, you can connect the tailgate to the vehicle's central locking system and lock the hard top with a push of your vehicle keys. Inner space:  heaven  made of anthracite-colored needle felt, robust and easy-care Interior lighting:  In addition to the standard built-in 12V LED interior light with automatic switch and wiring harness, a centrally mounted light bar or two light bars mounted on the right and left can also be installed. Uncomplicated assembly  without drilling using special clamps mounting material and instructions  included 
    Product number: ARF21-CXEvolve
    6.065,00 €*

    Available in days
    Delivery from April
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    NOVISauto Premium Hardtop fixed side windows ARF14 Revo
    for FORD F150 2014-2020
    NOVISauto US hardtop series CX Revo for Ford F150 2014-2020 With the US hardtop of the CXRevo series, NOVISauto offers a variety of options to meet your individual needs. Regardless of whether you are traveling for work or for leisure - with a Revo series hardtop, we offer a hardtop for your Ford F150 and other US pickups that combines style and function in the most beautiful way. The NOVISAuto hardtop series CXRevo for the Ford F150 2014-2020 offers excellent workmanship and visual highlights. This is supported by the generous frameless windows, the likewise frameless glass rear door with patented, ergonomic handle and the front window for a clear view to the rear. From the inside, the hard top for the Ford F150 is completely lined with dark gray textile material. A variety of individual options allows the design according to your special wishes. That  NOVISAuto hardtop series CX Revo for the Ford F150 is conveniently attached to the vehicle using a clamping system. Mounting material is included. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Optionally, we offer installation in our house. Paintwork:  In body color, optionally with off-road protective coating in matt black Sidewindow:  Frameless all-glass as standard, SUV style without bolts or fasteners - a ventilation window can be booked as an option. Front window: We are the only hardtop on the market to offer the CXRevo model with a sliding front window without a frame - at no extra cost. Combine your driver's cab with the hardtop into one unit by creating a hatch with the two sliding windows. Tailgate : Frameless and perfectly adapted to the vehicle hatch. There are no more form defects - no bolts or screws that are visible from the outside. For convenience, you can connect the tailgate to the vehicle's central locking system and lock the hard top with a push of your vehicle keys. The hinges of the CXRevo model for the Ford F150 are made of extra thick 6mm sheet metal. These are discreetly hidden in the interior of the hardtop. The rear door is bolt-free, in SUV style. Inner space:  Sky with dark gray textile material Interior lighting: The built-in 12V LED lights with automatic magnetic switch on the rear window provide lighting in the interior. Additional light bars can also be booked for the hardtop.  
    Product number: ARF14-CXRevo
    Variants from 6.409,99 €*
    6.410,00 €*

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    NOVISauto Premium Hardtop fixed side windows ARF21 Revo
    for FORD F150 2021+
    NOVISauto US hardtop series CX Revo for Ford F150 2021+ With the US hardtop of the CXRevo series, NOVISauto offers a variety of options to meet your individual needs. Regardless of whether you are traveling for work or for leisure - with a Revo series hardtop, we offer a hardtop for your Ford F150 and other US pickups that combines style and function in the most beautiful way. The NOVISAuto hardtop series CXRevo for the Ford F150 2021+ offers excellent processing quality and visual highlights. This is supported by the generous frameless windows, the likewise frameless glass rear door with patented, ergonomic handle and the front window for a clear view to the rear. From the inside, the hard top for the Ford F150 is completely lined with dark gray textile material. A variety of individual options allows the design according to your special wishes. That  NOVISAuto hardtop series CX Revo for the Ford F150 is conveniently attached to the vehicle using a clamping system. Mounting material is included. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Optionally, we offer installation in our house. Paintwork:  In body color, optionally with off-road protective coating in matt black Sidewindow:  Frameless all-glass as standard, SUV style without bolts or fasteners - a ventilation window can be booked as an option. Front window: We are the only hardtop on the market to offer the CXRevo model with a sliding front window without a frame - at no extra cost. Combine your driver's cab with the hardtop into one unit by creating a hatch with the two sliding windows. Tailgate : Frameless and perfectly adapted to the vehicle hatch. There are no more form defects - no bolts or screws that are visible from the outside. For convenience, you can connect the tailgate to the vehicle's central locking system and lock the hard top with a push of your vehicle keys. The hinges of the CXRevo model for the Ford F150 are made of extra thick 6mm sheet metal. These are discreetly hidden in the interior of the hardtop. The rear door is bolt-free, in SUV style. Inner space:  Sky with dark gray textile material Interior lighting: The built-in 12V LED lights with automatic magnetic switch on the rear window provide lighting in the interior. Additional light bars can also be booked for the hardtop.  
    Product number: ARF21-CXRevo
    Variants from 6.409,99 €*
    6.410,00 €*

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    NOVISauto Standard Aluminum Hardtop ARF14 DCU
    FORD F150 2015-2020
    NOVISauto aluminum hardtop series DCU for Ford F150 2014-2020 Equip your Ford F150 with an aluminum hardtop from NOVISauto. Aluminum combines the factors of stability and low weight. The aluminum hardtop DCU for the Ford F150 has been specially developed for commercial use. It is therefore characterized by large openings and plenty of storage space. Hinges, shock absorbers and other parts that are used several times a day are designed to be particularly robust. The aluminum hardtop for the Ford F150 is available in the following standard version: - Skin thickness: 0.9mm - stable aluminum outer skin : mounted on thick aluminum tube profile - Paintwork: Standard are white, light gray or black, on request in any body color. - Side flaps: made of aluminium, lockable and maximum clear height for loading, optionally available with glass insert, optional sliding window or glass flaps - Choose the height: all measurements from cabin height to overheight are available, in 6cm increments - Clear view even at night: the LED interior lighting using spotlights or LED light strips With the new design and even more stable materials, NOVISauto has taken the step towards manual use of the Ford F150 and other full-size pickups. Convince yourself of our products.
    Product number: ARF14-DCU
    5.650,00 €*

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    NOVISauto Standard Aluminum Hardtop ARF21 DCU
    FORD F150 2021+
    NOVISauto aluminum hardtop series DCU for Ford F150 2021+ Equip your Ford F150 with an aluminum hardtop from NOVISauto. Aluminum combines the factors of stability and low weight. The aluminum hardtop DCU for the Ford F150 from year 2021 has been specially developed for commercial use. It is therefore characterized by large openings and plenty of storage space. Hinges, shock absorbers and other parts that are used several times a day are designed to be particularly robust. The aluminum hardtop for the Ford F150 is available in the following standard version: - Skin thickness: 0.9mm - stable aluminum outer skin : mounted on thick aluminum tube profile - Paintwork: Standard are white, light gray or black, on request in any body color. - Side flaps: made of aluminium, lockable and maximum clear height for loading, optionally available with glass insert, optional sliding window or glass flaps - Choose the height: all dimensions from cabin height to overheight are available, in 6cm increments - Clear view even at night: the LED interior lighting using spotlights or LED light strips With the new design and even more stable materials, NOVISauto has taken the step towards manual use of the Ford F150 and other full-size pickups. Convince yourself of our products.
    Product number: ARF21-DCU
    5.650,00 €*

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    NOVISauto Standard Hardtop with sliding window ARF14 Classic
    FORD F150 2015-2020
    Length of truck bed: 8 feet // 2438.4mm
    NOVISauto US hardtop series CX Classic for Ford F150 2014-2020 NOVISauto  Hardtop CX Classic - the name says it all: Excellent workmanship and solid construction are features of the  NOVISauto Hardtop CX Classic, as well  optical highlights and constructive extras. The CX Classic hardtop for the Ford F150 combines strength, style and function. The U S-Hardtop CX Classic offers a stylish yet highly functional hardtop for your new F150 and other US pickups such as Chevy Colorado, GMC, Ford Ranger, RAM1500,  Toyota Tundra and more.  Stability with functionality, design and construction are combined here to create an overall harmonious style that is popular. The shell of the hard top CX  Classic is made of environmentally friendly, recyclable and easy-to-repair fiberglass (GRP) in the proven multi-layer structure, corners and edges are additionally reinforced. The rear door made of tinted safety glass offers a clear view to the rear. The continuous hinge, which extends across the entire width of the tailgate, ensures stability, as does the aluminum frame. The tailgate is locked with a simple T-handle.  The side windows of the CX Classic are also tinted and framed in aluminium, the plastic elements in the corners are both protection and decoration. In the standard configuration it has  NOVISauto  Hardtop CX Classic sliding side windows in half window width, which can be supplemented with an internally mounted protective grille. The generously dimensioned front window is equipped with a fixed pane as standard, but can also be supplied with a sliding or hinged window or as a hinged window with a sliding function. In this way you can establish a connection between the loading area and the F150 cabin. We have summarized the numerous configuration options for front and side windows for you below. The interior of the  NOVISauto  Hardtop CX Classic is  lined with light fiberglass with a textured finish that is durable and easy to clean. In the standard configuration, the hardtop CX  Classic via a battery-operated LED interior light, optionally a 12V LED interior light with automatic switch and wiring harness can also be installed.  The assembly of the NOVISAuto Hardtop CX  Classic on the Ford F150 is simple and convenient using the clamp system. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Installation is also possible with us as an option. Material:  Shell made of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP)  Paintwork:  In body color, also available with additional off-road protective coating in matt black Front window:  Fixed windscreen - optional front folding window for easier cleaning or front folding window with additional integrated sliding window or front sliding window Sidewindow:  Side sliding windows, tinted, in an aluminum frame, with corner reinforcement, alternatively: side aluminum or glass flaps, also with sliding window function rear door:  Black aluminum frame, continuous hinge, gas pressure damper for comfortable operation  Inner space:  GRP structure sanded smooth, durable and practical Interior lighting:  Battery-operated LED interior light without automatic, alternatively NOVISauto offers the equipment with 12V LED interior light with automatic switch and wiring harness; In addition, a centrally mounted light bar or two light bars can be mounted on the left and right. Uncomplicated assembly  without drilling using special clamps mounting kit and instructions  included If you have a special request, e.g.  B. a part for your US pickup, contact us, we will do our best to make your wish come true! -
    Product number: ARF14-8CXClassic
    Variants from 5.129,99 €*
    5.440,00 €*

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    NOVISauto Standard Hardtop with sliding window ARF21 CXClassic
    FORD F150 2021+
    NOVISauto US hardtop series CX Classic for Ford F150 2021+ NOVISauto  Hardtop CX Classic - the name says it all: Excellent workmanship and solid construction are features of the  NOVISauto Hardtop CX Classic, as well  optical highlights and constructive extras. The hardtop CX Classic for the new model range from 2021 of the Ford F150 combines strength, style and function. The US Hardtop CX Classic offers a stylish yet highly functional hardtop for your new F150 and other US pickups such as Chevy Colorado, GMC, Ford Ranger, RAM1500,  Toyota Tundra and more.  Stability with functionality, design and construction are combined here to create an overall harmonious style that is popular. The shell of the hard top CX  Classic is made of environmentally friendly, recyclable and easy-to-repair fiberglass (GRP) in the proven multi-layer structure, corners and edges are additionally reinforced. The rear door made of tinted safety glass offers a clear view to the rear. The continuous hinge, which extends across the entire width of the rear door, ensures stability, as does the aluminum frame. The tailgate is locked with a simple T-handle.  The side windows of the CX Classic are also tinted and framed in aluminium, the plastic elements in the corners are both protection and decoration. In the standard configuration it has  NOVISauto  Hardtop CX Classic sliding side windows in half window width, which can be supplemented with an internally mounted protective grille. The generously dimensioned front window is equipped with a fixed pane as standard, but can also be supplied with a sliding or hinged window or as a hinged window with a sliding function. In this way you can establish a connection between the loading area and the F150 cabin. We have summarized the numerous configuration options for front and side windows for you below. The interior of the  NOVISauto  Hardtop CX Classic is  lined with light fiberglass with a textured finish that is durable and easy to clean. In the standard configuration, the hardtop CX  Classic via a battery-operated LED interior light, optionally a 12V LED interior light with automatic switch and wiring harness can also be installed.  The assembly of the NOVISAuto Hardtop CX  Classic on the Ford F150 is simple and convenient using the clamp system. The required mounting material is included in the scope of delivery. The shipment will be made to the specified delivery address. Installation is also possible with us as an option. Material:  Shell made of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP)  Paintwork:  In body color, also available with additional off-road protective coating in matt black Front window:  Fixed windscreen - optional front folding window for easier cleaning or front folding window with additional integrated sliding window or front sliding window Sidewindow:  Side sliding windows, tinted, in an aluminum frame, with corner reinforcement, alternatively: side aluminum or glass flaps, also with sliding window function rear door:  Black aluminum frame, continuous hinge, gas pressure damper for comfortable operation  Inner space:  GRP structure sanded smooth, durable and practical Interior lighting:  Battery-operated LED interior light without automatic, alternatively NOVISauto offers the equipment with 12V LED interior light with automatic switch and wiring harness; In addition, a centrally mounted light bar or two light bars can be mounted on the left and right. Uncomplicated assembly  without drilling using special clamps mounting kit and instructions  included If you have a special request, e.g.  B. a part for your US pickup, contact us, we will do our best to make your wish come true! -
    Product number: ARF21-CXClassic
    5.130,00 €*

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