The beginning
nothing falls from the sky...
Our history - the family business Carryboy Germany and later the second company Novisauto - does not begin with the founding. No, we have to look at what happened before to understand who we are. It's a life story - my dad's life and the "life" of the company are closely linked . His life experiences have shaped the founding and management of the company.
"Life hasn't always been easy for me. But I'm happy to be where I am now."
Dieter Kunz
Chapter 1
The family business "Gebrüder Duttlinger" - textile industry

As so often in life, a catastrophe comes unexpectedly. The decline of the German textile industry came slowly, but finally hit hard. Duttlinger specialized in very high-quality knitwear (T-shirts, underwear, men's underwear). For example, we are still using the Duttlinger undershirts in 2018 without any problems - around 50-60 years after they were made. It was comfortable, sturdy and warm. You won't find anything like that today. The knitwear had a very good price-performance ratio. Unfortunately, that was never seen again.
An unexpected turn
when the market falters and you fall professionally...
Always cheaper - the curse of today
when customers only see DM/€/$ and don't understand what they are getting...
In my personal opinion a curse of today. Instead of buying high quality and therefore durable, customers only see the euros. They don't take into account that cheap goods break quickly and that you have to buy new ones straight away. You waste resources and end up paying more. Short-term monetary benefits outweigh long-term lasting benefits for many. A pity.
Like the Duttlinger brothers back then, we stand for high quality and durability!
Since customers always wanted it cheaper and cheap textiles came from abroad, the German textile industry was pushed out. Duttlinger couldn't keep up. At the same time, the important B2B market collapsed. Large buyers such as retail chains and Co. no longer kept their contracts. They usually order a contingent for a year and access it throughout the year. This contract was ruthlessly broken. The goods piled up in the factory buildings - there were no longer any buyers. The market power of the big players was mercilessly exploited and suppliers were driven into bankruptcy. My dad tried to build up the luxury brand "Carruci" to draw customers' attention to what was special about Duttlinger. In terms of quality, the company has already kept up with premium brands - at a price that the population can afford. However, this was unfortunately already too late. Building a new brand takes time, money and patience.
The irony of fate: The premium brands "Jockey", "Homme" and "Eminence" as well as many of the trading houses no longer exist today and have also disappeared as a result of the decline of the textile industry, among other things. Or they no longer exist in the same way.
From the experiences of that time, the following applies to our company: Good reputation and the knowledge of what we offer, as well as a large customer base.
The catastrophe takes its course
The end
the final out...
The end was unspectacular. The company was amicably liquidated before a complete insolvency. Company property was sold, employees laid off and outstanding debts paid off. A sad but inevitable fate for the entire textile industry in Germany.
Chapter 2
A newbeginning
The reboot
After an initial search for a new job in the textile industry, which my dad commented on afterwards with the words: "Fortunately, I was rejected at that time because I was overqualified", he moved to North Rhine-Westphalia to reorient himself professionally.
While he was looking for a new professional perspective, he kept his head above water with an office service.
After some time, my dad got the opportunity to work as managing director again. It was the "Coll" bakery chain, which had faltered due to mismanagement. He had the task of restructuring the company. Due to his experience as an assistant to the management, son of an entrepreneur and experience in crisis management, he was well suited for the post.
New tactics and perspectives were introduced. Sellers were encouraged to actively address customers, to sell and to make recommendations. New products were introduced to stand out from the competition.
The biggest problem, however, was the unprofitable branches that remained after the changeover. The only way was through bankruptcy proceedings - which turned out to be a big mistake at the time. Instead of closing the unprofitable branches (as actually intended), the insolvency administrator saw his personal gain or was incompetent. He liquidated everything at a junk price, although the company's restructuring was almost complete and the problem was the unprofitable branches. However, at that time there was no difference between "bankruptcy" and "insolvency".
My dad was frustrated and appalled that his efforts had been for naught and he was left unemployed by the insolvency practitioner. He said to himself "I can do better".
We know from experience that we should not rely on local shops and still sell throughout Germany / the EU and operate in a crisis-proof manner.
A small intermediate step
Important experiences
How to correctly rate ...
He learned the craft of the insolvency administrator independently from books and applied the knowledge as an active insolvency administrator. He wanted to do better. Liquidate as little as possible, as much as necessary. He gained a lot of important experience for today's Carryboy and Novisauto. For example, he learned to determine and calculate real estate, market and insubstantial values in order to determine the right price. He learned how to properly manage and, if necessary, liquidate illiquid companies. He learned how to negotiate the best possible selling price. And as is so often the case in everyone's life, small mistakes began, from which valuable, future proof experiences and guidelines emanated.
We know from experience: Fair prices enable future-proof business. A good price-performance ratio is the be-all and end-all!
Chapter 3
Family business Carryboy Germany, Novisauto
After a certain time as an insolvency administrator, my dad wanted to create a secure, stable future for himself and his family. The profession of insolvency administrator was a pointer and signpost through important experiences.
Life has taught him that crises usually come unexpected. Stable, future-oriented, crisis-proof growth is a cornerstone of our business policy. This is what we stand for today, tomorrow and in the future.
Start into a secure, stable future
stable, future-oriented and secure growth...
Carryboy Germany GmbH & Co.KG.
In 2006 the time had finally come. My dad was looking for a second source of income. He founded Carryboy Germany GmbH.
The humble beginnings were selling bumpers on Ebay. This was quickly expanded, an online shop was set up and the business expanded.
The early years were relatively unspectacular. Steady, secure growth followed. Online shops came and went - always state-of-the-art. Employees were hired over time - things went uphill.

2021 was a strong year. We have steadily expanded our product portfolio up to this point and it was now time to make a decision. Do we want to water down the Carryboy brand more and more or do we stick to the core? How can we still grow and add more products? The decision was made to found the NOVISAUTO brand/shop. NOVIS serves as an umbrella brand to include new product groups without diluting our brands. NOVISAUTO took over our American suppliers and is a specialist for full-size pickup truck accessories. However, it should not stop there. The course for future growth has been set.
Novisauto Ltd
2020/-21 in general has been a year of investment and renewal. Our old shop has reached its life span. Magento 1 was shut down and a new shop had to be set up. As part of the "DigiPro" digitization project, we not only developed our new shop based on Shopware 6, but also digitized and linked our system landscapes in order to be able to grow in a future-proof manner. It was time too. An improved shopping experience, consistent product quality and better internal structures were important to us. At the same time we were planning to build a new warehouse - we were bursting at the seams.
The Corona crisis was the first potentially life-threatening crisis in our company's history. We have just founded Novisauto and divided the product portfolio. Corona came up in 2020 and we got into a crisis mood. Surprisingly, 2020 was a super year. We thought: "Maybe it will pass us?".
The crisis hit our industry like a bomb in 2021. Supply chain problems (no new pickups=no new potential customers), lack of raw materials, transport difficulties, exploding costs in manufacturing and transport (container freight rates from approx. €2000/container to €18,000/container), plummeting demand.
We had to take several emergency measures: dismissal of all full-time employees, so that the family core remained + 1 mini-job. Raising prices, introducing a sea freight surcharge (percentage of the value of the goods depending on the freight rates), putting our construction project for a new warehouse on hold and constantly thinking: If things get worse - where can we still reduce costs?
Corona Crisis
the first test of our business policy...
The after and today
Since 2022, we have noticed that the crisis is levelling off. The lowest point was reached and the situation stabilised at first. In the 4th quarter, we noticed a slight improvement in the situation. We are entering 2023 with positive expectations. The figures look good again.
Our company policy has proven its worth. The strict focus on crisis security, stable, non-inflated growth, fair prices and convincing benefits for the customer has proven to be the right approach!
In addition to building up reserves and the ongoing recovery from the coronavirus crisis, we have taken another important step into the future. In 2023/2024, we will be hiring new employees for the first time since the crisis in order to be able to handle the new orders.
We can also proudly announce the launch of our new shop As a new investment in 2024, we are carefully pushing into a new market niche. We want to score points with unique products that are not yet available on the market. We got off to a flying start with our unique foldable cabin, which combines comfort, off-road capability and compactness in one! We already have a few more unique items in mind to add to our portfolio. In addition to these unique products, we would like to move away a little from our core competence "pickup truck" - to differentiate ourselves. In the near future, we will also be offering classic roof tents and solutions for "normal" cars.
- Internationalisation & translation of our websites
- Expansion of our product portfolio in the new shop with more products
- Let's see what the future holds!
Our awards
...because quality and reputation leave their mark

store of the year
In 2022 we became with our shop nominated for the title "Shop of the Year 2022". A limited number of shops with excellent design and implementation in terms of technology, appearance and customer experience are sought and nominated in various categories throughout Germany. The best shop in each category (approx. 5-8 categories) will be awarded.
Of course we were very happy about the nomination. It shows us that we have done a lot of things right with the Carryboy & Novisauto Shop. We are on the right path. Not winning the title also means: Keep going - there is always something to improve. We stay on the ball! :)

Shopvote customer reviews
When visiting a shop for the first time, every customer always has the problem: "How trustworthy is the shop?". The problem is particularly evident with high-quality products such as ours.
Our customers have been able to rate us online since 2022.
Rate us and give our future customers a first impression!

TOP company
At the end of 2022 we were awarded as a "TOP company".
In cooperation with the Handelsblatt and Wirtschaftswoche, only solid, trustworthy, recommendable companies are awarded. You will be included in the "Company ABC" register.